1. What is the age of the youngest worker in this facility?
2. Are there any work experienCE programs for school age children?
3. Are there restrictions for workers under 18?
4. What procedures does this facility have in place to verify the age of the employees?
5. Are all employees voluntarily working in this facility?
What procedures does this facility has to ensure employees are working voluntarily?
6. Are there any workers in this facility that are prISOners, have been assigned by the military, or any other branch of government?
7. Are employees free to leave when their work shift ends?
8. Are guaRDS posted only for normal security reasons?
If so, what are their basic duties?
假如那樣, 他們基本的工作是什麼?
9. How are employees recruited (i.e. newspaper ad, agent, contract?)
10. How are employees disciplined for misconduct or poor performance?
11. Do you restrict employment by age, race, ethic group, religion, gender, sexual, orientation, political affiliation, and/or national origin?
工廠会由於工人的年齡、民族、種族、宗教、 性別、 性取向、政治面貌、和/或者出生地不同而制約工人吗?
12. What is the lowest wage paid by this contractor for trained (i.e. production) employees? For untrained (i.e. janitors, trainees) employees?
训练有素的工人(如生產工人) 的最少薪金是多少? 未经训练的(如门卫, 實習生) 工人的最少薪金又是多少?
13. How are employees paid? (cash/check/autopay/other)
怎样支付工人的薪金? (現金/鈔票/自動支付/其他)
14. How is the pay rate calculated? (per hour/piece rate/per day/other)
工人的薪金按什麼計算? (每小時/計件率/每天/其他)
15. Is work time documented by a timecard?
16. How often are employees paid? (hourly/weekly/monthly/other)
工厂多长时间发一次薪水? (每小時/每週/月度/其他);
17. Are there any deductions from employees' wages?
18. Does any employee owe the Company money?
19. What allowances and benefits are provided to employees in this facility?
(Housing, meals, transportation, and other allowances; health care; child care; sick leave; emergency leave; pregnancy and menstrual leave; vacation; religious and holiday leave; and contributions for social security, life, health, worker's compensation and other insurance coverage.)
工廠有什麼津貼和福利提供给雇員? (住房、飯食、運輸, 和其它津貼; 醫療保健; 兒童保健; 病假; 緊急事假; 懷孕和月經事假; 假期; 宗教和假日休假; 及為社會安全作貢獻、生活、健康、工作者報償和其它保險責任範圍。)
20. Are benefits and/or allowances included in calculating the minimum wage?
21 Are there any incentive plans offered (i.e. bonus)?工廠有何激励措施吗(如獎金)?
22 Are workers paid for training (if applicable)?工廠有支付工人在培训期間的薪水吗(若适用的话)?
23 Do you pay overtime?廠有支付工人超時工作的薪水嗎?
24 What is the maximum number of consecutive days?工人最多連续工作多少天?
25 What are the operational hours of this facility?工廠正常运作的時間是多少小时?
26 How many work shifts do you run in your facility?工廠实行几班倒工作制? a. How many hours per work shift? 每工作班是多少個小時?
27 How are overtime wages calculated (I.e. weekdays, 1.5x; holidays 2x, etc.)?怎麼計算超時工作的薪金(即工作日、 1.5 倍; 休息日2倍; 等)?
28 What is the average number of overtime hours worked per worker each week?工人每星期平均加班共多少小时?
29 What is the maximum number of work hours per day at regular pay?工人在正常工作日每日最多工作多少小時?
30 What is the maximum number of hours employees are asked to work in a given week?工人每週最多工作多少個小時?
31 Do employees have time each day for a meal?工人每天有膳食時間嗎?
32 Do employees have time each day for breaks?工人每天有小息时间嗎? a. If yes, how many and what is the duration of each break? 假如有, 每個小息的时間有多少?
33 Do employees take work home?工人帶工作回家嗎? a. If yes, how are wages for this work determined? 假如有, 怎麼確定這工作的薪金?
34 Are first aid supplies available in this facility?工廠有急救用品可供使用嗎?
35 Are there any medically trained personnel on site?工廠有受过專業醫療訓練的人員在场嗎?
36 Are safety education / training programs offered (I.e. first aid, etc.)?工廠有安全教育/訓練計劃嗎(如急救, 等)?
37 Do you have fire extinguishers and / or sprinkler systems in this facility?工廠有滅火器和/或者洒水裝置嗎?
38 Are fire escapes available for buildinGS more than one story high?厂内超過一層高的大廈有防火梯嗎?
39 Is personal protective equipment available at no cost to the employee?工厂免費提供個人防護器材给工人使用嗎?
40 Do employees have unrestricted access to drinkable water?工人可無限使用飲用水嗎?
41 How many functional toilets does this facility have? (male / female)工廠有多少間可使用的洗手間? (男性/女性)
42 Do you have ventilation and lighting system?工廠有足夠的通风和照明系統嗎?
43 Is there a supervisor on the floor for question?有主管在生產線上给工人解疑嗎?
a. How many supervisors per worker? 每个主管監督多少名工人?
44 Do you allow your employees to associate?工廠允許工人结社嗎?
45 Do you provide residential facilities for workers?工廠有為工人提供住宅設施嗎? a. If yes: vendor / licensee controlled facilities / rental units / other? 假如是, 是工廠 / 持牌人管理该設施 / 出租單位 / 其他?
46 Number of buildings? Number of employees that reside in this dormitory?大廈的數量? 居住在這棟宿舍的工人數量?
47 Average number of employees in a sleeping room?1个房间平均住多少工人?
48 Approximate space (in square meters) per employee in sleeping room?每工人大概占用多少空間(平方米) ?
49 Are sleeping quarters segregated by sex?睡覺處因此性别分隔嗎?
50 Are employees provided their own inpidual mats or sleeping space?工人有單獨床位或睡覺空間嗎?
51 Are directions for evacuation in the case of fire or other emergencies posted in all sleeping quarters in the native language?所有房间都张贴有以当地语言写明的火灾或紧急事故的疏散指示吗?
52 Does this facility have fire extinguishers in all sleeping quarters? 所有房间都备有灭火器吗?
53 Are fire drills conducted?工廠有舉辦消防演习嗎?
54 Are combustible materials stored in the dormitories or buildings connected to the dormitories?宿舍里或与宿舍相连的楼房里有易燃物品吗?
55 Number of toilets for employees? (male / female)员工洗手間的數量? (男性 / 女性)
56 Are kitchen or laundry facilities provided?工廠有提供廚房或洗衣設施给工人嗎?
57 Are the employees charged for the following? (sleeping quarters / meals / transportation / other) How much? 工人要为以下几项付费吗(住所/伙食/运输/其他)?付多少?
58 Is dormitory access controlled?能否自由进出宿舍?
59 Are there any curfews on employees?工廠對工人实行任何宵禁嗎?
60 Are employees free to come and go as they please?工人能自由進出工廠嗎?
61 What efforts does the company make in regards to management, air purification, and hazardous materials? 工厂在空气净化和危险物品管理方面采取了什么措施?
62 Do you out source any of your production? 工厂有把任何产品外包出去吗?
63 Do you source to inpiduals, families or collective work group? 工厂是外包给个人,家庭还是团体? a. What articles / components are produced by these workers?这些工人生产什么物品/零件?b. How are these workers paid? 怎样支付这些工人的薪水?
事缘这次已是该外贸工厂的第3次DISNEY验厂了, 前2次的DISNEY验厂,工厂是自己一手操办,眼看都没通过,经同行盆有指点,便在当地找了一家咨询机构进行辅导,咨询机构建议工厂更换第三方审核机构申请全新审核。在工厂的多种努力下,好不容易拿到了这份仅有“月加班和几个现场的健康安全的小问题”的结果。工厂自认为只要把这份漂亮的报告交给DISNEY,订单就是铁板丁丁的事实了。可惜事与愿违,剧情突然来个急转直下,让人丈二和尚摸不着头脑。