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AVE DeclarationConCErningA Code of Conduct for the Procurement of Goods toEnsure Protection of Welfare StandaRDS1.The Foreign Trade Association of the German Retail Trade (AVE, Cologne) whose members are retailing companies and associations represents the foreign trade interests of its members.2. Ensuring respect for human life and dignity, improving social standards, and protecting the environment are among humanity’s most important tasks. Sustainable development of the economy and attendant social progress can be realized only if the natural foundations of prosperity are respected.3. Desirous of participating in this process, the retailing companies of the FTA have adopted a Code of Conduct for the procurement of goods. The aim is to exercise a positive influence on the procurement markets without engaging in protectionist behavior, helping to protect basic human rights and safeguard the environment.4. In accordance with the Conventions of the ILO, the Code of Conduct aims at attaining certain minimum standards. The following requirements are of special importance:A.Prohibition of forced labor and prISOner labor that violates basic human rights.B.Establishment of and compliance with a regulatory framework for? occupational health and safety.C.Prohibition of child labor, especially the? exploitation of children under conditions resembling slavery or harmful to their health.D.Prohibition of workplace practices, conditions and working hours? which violate human rights and labor law.E.Assurance of fair remuneration? adequate to local conditions and the level of development, allowing a minimum level of satisfaction of basic material needs.F.Prohibition of? discrimination on the basis of race, skin color, sex, religion, political convictions or social background.G.The right to form associations and to? conduct collective negotiations for a minimum democratic consensus.

5.Aware that existing problems are very complex and that some influence can be exercised, within a framework of appropriate measures, AVE members undertake to promote observance of the above requirements by fixing and implementing appropriate rules and monitoring their trade partners as well as their subcontractors for compliance.6.Observance of the Code of Conduct will rely on dialogue, cooperation and a consensual approach that respects the trading partners’ responsibility.When a violation of the Code of Conduct is determined, member companies will immediately enter into negotiations with the affected suppliers and search for ways to resolve the problem, taking into consideration the interests of the employees and avoiding the effect of a boycott. If suitable solutions cannot be found within a reasonable period of time, this is a reason to terminate further business relations.7.Any action taken by the members of the AVE in no way prejudices the responsibilities of governments of industrialized countries and the EU in their pursuit of cooperation with developing countries and a trade policy of open markets governments of developing countries and the sovereign competence of countries in establishing regulations for the improvement of their circumstances, in particular local social and environmental conditions.8.The AVE is prepared, within its legitimation for action, to submit the substance of this declaration to public discussion and political decision-making processes.Cologne, 22 November 1999

质量体系管理在各行各业成为一种必需和时尚,但真正能运用其产生效益和提升企业管理水平的却不多。质量体系管理的定位是否处于企业的重要位置,决定着企业是以什么样的态度来对待产品质量,决定着企业是以什么样的理念来经营企业。1. 只在意没有证书企业中许多最高管理层只在意获得质
ISO13485:2003认证概况ISO13485的概况 本规范是医疗器械生产和质量管理的基本准则,适用于医疗器械制剂生产的全过程生产中影响成品质量的关键工序。2003年,国际标准化组织“医疗器械质量管理和通用要求技术委员会(ISO/TC210)”发布
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